Below you will find a list of the languages in which we have already completed translations. But if your source or target language isn’t there, don’t despair, contact us: our project managers and acquisition staff will quickly assist you in getting your translation done.
Afrikaans is widely spoken in South Africa.
Albanian can be divided into two dialects: Gheg is spoken in the north and Tosk in the south.
Amharic is one of the official languages of Ethiopia. The traditional inhabitants of the capital Addis Ababa and the population of the Amhara region speak Amharic.
Arabic is spoken by more than 280 million speakers, primarily in the Islamic world. It is the language of the Koran, the holy book of Islam, and is therefore important on the religious level as well as in politics and culture.
The Armenian language has two dominant dialects. West Armenian is the dialect spoken and written in Armenia and by Armenians living elsewhere in Europe or in North America.
Azerbaijani is the official language of Azerbaijan. Various forms of this Turkic language are spoken in Eastern Turkey, in parts of Georgia and in the Azerbaijani region of Iran.
The Basque language is unusual as it is one of the few European languages whose roots are not Indo-European.
Bengali is spoken in Bangladesh and in various other Indian states. It is the second most commonly spoken language in India, after Hindi.
Burmese is the official language of Myanmar, formerly Burma. English is also an official language here. Around 32 million people speak Burmese.
The Bosnian language is based largely on latin. It is the western variant of Shtokavian, a Servo-Croatian dialect group.
Like almost all European languages Bulgarian belongs to the Indo-European language family. Bulgarian is also among the Slavic languages, which were for centuries spoken in eastern Europe.
Catalan is a Romance language spoken in various parts of Spain, France and Italy. It is also the official language of Andorra.
Chinese is spoken by more than 1.25 billion people world wide. It is the official language of China, Taiwan and Singapore, but it is also spoken in many other countries including Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
Dari belongs to the Indo European group of languages and is part of the sub-group of Iranian or Aryan languages. There are three varieties of Dari, which is also sometimes referred to as Farsi.
Our translation agency is active in the Danish market, trading as Hurtigoversætter.
Dutch is a West Germanic language spoken by about 24 million people as a first language and 5 million people as a second language. The Dutch language is the only official language of The Netherlands. It’s also an official language in Belgium where about 60% of the people use it as their first language.
Estonian, the official language of Estonia, belongs to the Finno-Ugric language group and is unrelated to other European languages, apart from Finnish.
Naturally you can come to us for translations involving Spanish, French, English and German, but our translation agency can also work into and out of dozens of other languages.
Finnish is spoken primarily in Finland. Around six million people speak the language. However it is not the only official language of the country: Swedish is also an official language of Finland.
Quebec is the second largest province in Canada. With its own culture, language and legal system Quebec offers unique opportunities and also challenges for entrepreneurs wishing to do business with the Québécois.
Georgian is the official language of Georgia. The language belongs to the South Caucasian language family. These languages are spoken to the south of the Greater Caucasus, the mountain range close to the Black Sea.
Greek is spoken as a mother tongue by around 13 million people. The vast majority of Greek speakers also actually live in Greece.
Hebrew is a complex language with many variants. If you want to do business in Israel it will certainly make a favourable impression if you show you have taken the trouble to learn the language.
Hungarian is a Finno-Ugric language, although it has few similarities with other members of that language family like Finnish and Latvian.
Icelandic is among the North Germanic language group and has around 300,000 speakers. It is written using the Latin alphabet, with various additional symbols.
Fasttranslator’s translations into Indonesian are carried out by native speakers of the language.
Inuit is a collective name for a number of languages spoken primarily in the northernmost area of North America, as well as in some parts of Siberia.
Around 127 million people speak Japanese. It is spoken in Japan but also elsewhere by Japanese emigrants.
Numerous languages are spoken in China, many of them occurring in several different varieties. There are hundreds of varieties and dialects of Cantonese which may vary between villages and towns.
Kazakh is a Turkic language whose roots are in the Altaic language family.
Kurdish is a collective term for a number of dialects spoken in different areas of the Middle East.
Korean is the official language of both North and South Korea, Hangul, the Korean script, is both alphabetic and phonetic.
Croatian is a standard variant of Serbo-Croatian. It is the official language of Croatia and is also used by Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Latvian, also known as Lettish, belongs to the eastern group of Baltic languages and is part of the Indo European family of languages. Latvian in its present form is younger than Lithuanian, to which it is related.
Together with Latvian, Lithuanian is one of the two extant languages in the Baltic language family.
Macedonian is the official language of Macedonia. It is a south Slavic language, closely related to Bulgarian.
Malay is the mother tongue of the inhabitants of Malaysia. It is part of the Austronesian family of languages, a widespread language family extending across Asia.
Malay is an Austronesian language. The name of this language family literally means “Islands of the south”, and it includes languages spread across many different islands in South East Asia.
Maltese is a language with a long and fascinating history. It belongs to the so-called Semitic language group, which is a sub-family of the Afro-Asiatic languages.
Mongolian is a language with various dialects and is spoken in several different countries. Some six million people speak this language, spread across China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and of course Mongolia.
Nepalese is one of the Indo-Aryan languages and is spoken by around fourteen million people.
Norwegian is a Scandinavian language with more than 4.5 million speakers. Unlike most other countries in Norway it is more usual to speak a dialect than to speak “standard Norwegian”.
Ukrainian is spoken not only in the Ukraine but also in Belarus, Moldavia and Russia. Other languages are spoken in Ukraine, such as Russian, Romanian, Hungarian and even Greek.
Papiamento is spoken by around 330,000 people spread around the former Dutch Antilles (Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao).
Persian is the official language in Iran, Afghanistan and Tazjikistan. It is also spoken in Bahrein and Uzbekistan. It has 75 million mother tongue speakers and 120 million speakers in total.
Portuguese is a world language which is classified a “Romance” language. This southern European branch of the Indo-European language family is spoken all around the world.
Portuguese is the official language in Brazil. It differs in some respects from the Portuguese spoken in Portugal.
Punjabi is spoken by around 130 million people. The language is spoken primarily in the Punjab, an area in the north of India and Pakistan.
Romanian is related to Latin languages like Italian, Spanish and French. It is the official language of Romania, and is also an official language in Moldova, Serbia and the Ukraine.
Romany is the language of the Roma, a nomadic people who have settled in Romania among other places.
Russia is taking an increasingly prominent role in world trade. A professional and reliable translation agency to translate texts into and out of Russian is important if you do business with firms there.
Sanskrit is an Indo-European language and is the classical language of literature in India.
You can get by speaking Serbian in a large area of the former Yugoslavia.
The former Yugoslavia has a rich history, and the same applies to the languages spoken in this region, such as Serbo-Croat.
Slovenian belongs to the Slavic language group and is the official language of Slovenia.
Need a translation into or out of Slovak? Our project managers will ensure your translation is delivered in the shortest possible time.
Language and culture are inseparable. Spanish in Mexico, also known as Mexican or Mexican Spanish, is not the same as the Spanish spoken in Spain.
Sranantongo, originally the language of the Creole population of Suriname, is the most commonly spoken language in that country.
Thai is spoken by around 60 million people around the world. The language is subdivided into many local dialects.
Fasttranslator’s Czech translation service works fast, delivers top quality and offers razor-sharp pricing.
With around 80 million speakers, Turkish is one of the world’s major languages.
Urdu is spoken by some 60 to 70 million people around the world.
Our translation agency works exclusively with qualified, professional Hindi translators.
Vietnamese is a tonal language and the official language of of Vietnam. From an economic perspective Vietnam is one of the fastest growing countries in the world.
There are distinct differences between the Dutch spoken in Belgium and in the Netherlands, and a native speaker of Flemish may be required in order to produce an idiomatic translation into that language.
Anyone wishing to do business in the Walloon region of Belgium must be fluent in the French language.
The Celtic language Welsh or Cymraeg is spoken by around 750,000 people around the world.
Fasttranslator is active in Sweden and has several branches there. Our presence in Sweden allows us to deliver translations that properly reflect Swedish culture and customs.