
Frequently translated languages

On our Languages page you can find a listing of languages in which we have already completed translations. We frequently receive requests involving the English, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Polish languages.
Of course that doesn’t mean that we are unable to translate other languages: our acquisition team have long experience in finding the right translator for the job, even if the required source and target language combination are not already in our database.

What our clients say about our translations

With more than two decades of experience in a wide range of sectors we are more than happy to let our customers speak on our behalf. A number of client testimonials are listed below.

Cassie Hughes

Sales and Marketing Assistant
Satake Europe Limited

We started working with Fasttranslator in 2017 following a trusted recommendation. The work they do for us includes long technical manuals and software display word lists; these are complicated documents as many of the terms are industry-specific, and the original text doesn't provide context. Their prices are competitive; they deliver to the timescale promised, and most importantly, the feedback from our customers has been consistently good. I would have no hesitation in recommending their services.

Questions about requesting a translation?

You can find the most common questions on our FAQ page. But please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form if the answer you are looking for isn’t there. And if you would rather have direct contact with our language experts there’s a list of telephone numbers below the contact form. Our Account Managers and Project Managers will always be happy to assist.

ISO 9100 and ISO 17100 certification

We comply with the standards set down in ISO 9100 and ISO 17100, so you are assured of professional support throughout your project. And of course a translation of the highest possible quality. Our intention is that you will always be fully satisfied with your translated text, document or project. No matter if your project is large or small, whether it’s six hundred words or six million, our translators can handle it. You obviously have to take into account that a larger project will take longer to complete.

Urgent translations

So, you’ve launched your new website, then you find to your horror that your General Terms and Conditions are there in French, Italian and Japanese, but the German translation hasn’t been done yet. And you can’t really put off the launch any longer. Now what! The answer couldn’t be simpler: contact Fasttranslator. Simply enter the details of your project in our quotations module and tell us when the work needs to be finished. If the deadline is only days away then we’d suggest that you phone us as soon as possible. The numbers are all on our contact page. Make it clear when you call that this is an urgent translation, and our staff will give you a realistic estimate of the completion time and the associated costs. It goes without saying that quotations are free of charge, whether it’s an urgent job or not.

Confidentiality and privacy

In certain sectors confidentiality and privacy are an absolute must. We set the highest possible standards with regard to data security and confidentiality. So you can be confident that your confidential documents will be handled with the utmost care.